It is the technique to predict future data analysing historical data.
Quantitative forecasting | Qualitative forecasting |
Based on the data and any repeating historical patterns in the data. | This procedure is taken when data is not available and historical patterns do not repeat. This is based on expert decision. |
Captures complex patterns which humans cannot identify. | May not capture complex patterns. |
No bias | Bias |
Eg. Time-series forecasting | Eg. Delphi method |
Univariate analysis: The data which is being analysed contains one variable. For example, analysing the customers visiting an e-commerce fashion website. The data can be divided into men, women and kids, as following:
Category | Number per hour |
Women | 78 |
Men | 49 |
Kids | 12 |
The major purpose of this analysis is to describe and find patterns in data.
Two sample t-tests can validate a hypothesis containing only two groups at a time. For samples involving three or more groups, the t-test becomes tedious as you have to perform the tests for each combination of the groups. Also, Type-1 error increases in this process. You use ANOVA in such cases.
ANOVA or Analysis of Variance can determine whether the means of three or more groups are different. ANOVA uses F-tests to statistically test the equality of means.
The p-value approach avoids the use of significance level; instead, it reports how significant the sample evidence is. The p value of a sample is:
Let’s understand the concept of p-value with a simple example.
Suppose that a bakery owner wants to know about the satisfaction level of his customers. He takes feedback from his customers on a ‘-5 to +5’ scale, -5 representing highly dissatisfied, +5 representing fully satisfied, and 0 being neutral.
Following are the 2 types of Chi-square test:
This is used to determine if there is a significant relationship between 2 nominal (categorical) variables.
Hypothesis testing can be done only when following 2 conditions are met:
But how will you test the hypothesis if these conditions are not fulfilled? Using t-test.
The t-distribution is :
sign and it is a common belief about the population.=
sign and always challenges the status quo.Variables used:
Term | Sample | Population |
Size | n | N |
Mean | ||
Standard Deviation | s |
Mean = Median = Mode
(since it is probability density function)0
= impossible event.1
= certain event.In Deep Learning with OpenCV blog, we talked about using pre-trained model provided in OpenCV 3.3 to classify images or even videos(real-time webcams, video files, etc.). In this blog, we’ll deep-dive into image classification using OpenCV and GoogleLeNet (pre-trained on ImageNet) using the Caffe framework.
Deep learning with OpenCV using its inbuilt dnn
moduleThe dnn module
of OpenCV was included in the main repository in v3.3.
With OpenCV 3.3 or later, we can utilize pre-trained networks with popular deep learning frameworks. The fact that they are pre-trained implies that we don’t need to spend many hours training the network - rather we can complete a forward pass and utilize the output to make a decision within our application.