25 Jun 2020
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Normal distribution

25 Jun 2020
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  • A normal distribution curve is a type of probability distribution for continuous random variables.
  • Examples:
    • The distribution of height
    • The distribution of IQ
  • Properties of normally distributed curve are as follows:
    • It is symmetrical on both sides of its mean
    • The mean lies at the middle of the curve. Mean = Median = Mode
    • The total area under the curve is equal to 1 (since it is probability density function)
  • Probability density function for Normal distribution is:

1-2-3 rule of normal distribution

  • The area of the curve lying within 1 standard deviation from the mean i.e between and is 0.68 or 68%,
  • The probability of a continuous random variable that will lie within 1 standard deviation from mean is 0.68 or 68%,
  • The probability of a continuous random variable that will lie within 2 standard deviation of the mean is 0.95 or 95%,
  • The probability of a continuous random variable that will lie within 3 standard deviation of the mean is 0.997 or 99.7%.
  • Graph for the same above:
    1-2-3 rule of Normal distribution

Standardized Normal distribution and Z-score

  • Standardized Normal distribution is a special type of Normal distibution where and .
  • The standardized normal distribution is used to compare between differnt normal distributions.
  • A normal distribution can be converted into standardized normal distribution with the help of Z-score.
  • For example, for a normal distribution with μ= 35 and σ = 5, the normal distribution curve and the standard normal distribution curve will look like this: Normal distribution vs Z-score
  • Z-score can be used to:
    • Calculate the probability of the occurence of a particular random variable
      It is done with the help of Z-table. Excel can also be used with function NORMDIST.
    • Compare normal distributions
      Example: Suppose that the marks obtained by the students of a class are normally distributed.
      • In the mid-term exam, the mean score was 50 out of 100, and the standard deviation was 10;
      • And in the end-term, the mean score was 60, and the standard deviation was 20.

      A student Ram scored 70 in the mid-term exam and 72 in the end-term exam. In which exam was his relative performance better?
      Soln: To answer above question, we can use Z-score to compare scores.

      • Z-score for Mid-term = (70 - 50)/10 = 2
      • Z-score for End-term = (72 - 60)/20 = 0.6

      Looking at the Z-scores, we can conclude that Ram’s relative performance was better in the mid-term exam compared to end-term exam.